Audio With Media

Audio recordings to teach, preach, lecture or illustration what users have learned from any of the ministry tracks (Preaching, Teaching, Healing, The Story, Arts & Imagination, Christ Formation, Contextual Semiotics). May include imagery, power points, etc. The length of the Audio With Media.

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Bible Study Media

Short Bible Studies that can be taught either to a large or small group. Lessons learned from The Story ministry track and/or The Preaching Track. Between eight and fifteen minutes. Should include a Power Point or similar or by way of video.

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Personal Podcast

Demonstrations of understanding of the ministry tracks of Arts & Imagination, Christ Formation, and Healing. May include an interview of a person(s), or give teachings, along with clear illustrations that demonstrate what students have learned. The length of the podcast may range between fifteen and twenty minutes.

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Research Paper

Research Papers from any of the ministry tracks (Preaching, Teaching, Healing, The Story, Arts & Imagination, Christ Formation, Contextual Semiotics). The research papers may be between five and ten pages and demonstrate the student's knowledge of the subject, along with personal applications to show its relevancy to their life and/or ministry.

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Short Sermon Media

Short sermons utilizing principles and practices learned in the student's studies. This short sermon may be showcased by audio with imagery or by way of video. The length of the sermon may be between eight and twelve minutes.

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